Hemlock Removal & Maple Reduction – Vashon Island, WA
Until we saw this scenario first-hand, it was very difficult to envision… a failed Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) lodged against a tree house in a Big leaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum). Even after completing the work, it’s still hard to describe.
The tree house was frequently used by the client’s children, and the declining Maple was already a concern. The tree was in severe decline with more than half of the canopy dead. Typically, Maple limbs deteriorate rapidly and are prone to sudden failure. This existing hazard was compounded by the newly failed Hemlock putting pressure on the Maple and directly on the tree house itself.
To address the situation and make the area safe for children, we stabilized the Hemlock with rigging lines and carefully removed it from the Maple tree. Next, we significantly reduced the Maple’s declining canopy to create a wildlife habitat snag.
Retaining this snag will provide great perching and nesting habitat for native birds and a great outdoor learning opportunity for the client’s children.
Contact Tree133 for help removing hazard trees and creating wildlife snags on your property.
* This project was completed together with Michelle Ramsden.